

* full up 13hd
* 7yr
* Dun gelding
* Ideal for PC / working hunter / fun allrounder
bought by the current owners as a 3y/o. Started as a 4y/o with a year of hacking. Introduced arena work from 5 and started jumping last year.
Produced by a 13 y/o with professional schooling and lessons inbetween.
Now has 3 established and balanced paces, great scope and can jump a 1m course no problem and just started learning his changes.
Done pretty much everything … including :
•beach rides
•Farm rides
•desensitisation workshops
•a few SJ comps & Qualified trailblazers 2023/2024
Even though he can do it all he does however get fast & tense showjumping so we feel he is more suited as allrounder / PC home
He is used to farm machinery, flapping birds and farm animals, hacks out well and is safe in open spaces.
Toffee is Barefoot – (n/n hwsd),
good for farrier, dentist, physio – and up to date with everything.
Loads of videos and photos available
No first time buyers or novices
📍 Cheshire
💰 5figs
Contact – Joanne Shaw (07890 956188) for more info